Friday, April 25, 2014

Selamat Pagi!

Good morning!  We have been biking along the northern coast of Bali the last few days, moving from a town called Tembok to another called Maggis.  (I had to look up the name of the current town - with no clocks, spotty internet, and guides handling everything, it has been very easy to check out.  Most days, it takes a concerted effort to figure out what day of the week it is.)

The towns up here don't see a ton of tourists - or apparently people on bikes - so we have been getting a great reception as we bike along the way.  Many people come out of their house and yell "Hello" or "Hi."  Particularly the kids.  I think the adults are wondering what would compel a rational person to bike in this heat.

Truly, the heat and humidity feel like wading through a velvet fog, or a bowl of pudding. The only solution I have found is to dump a bottle of water on my head every 5 km.
(I am going to try to make this a thing on hot days in DC this summer - regardless of whether I have a bike.)

Have I made it sound like all we are doing is biking?  If so, it is because I was trying to sound impressive. In actuality, we are only biking part of each day.  The rest of the time has been spent snorkeling, eating, lounging by the pool, and the occasional spa treatment.

At Spa Village, I decided to get a aloe cucumber body wrap. It was cheap and the place is called Spa Village. You have to, right?  Based on prior experience in the U.S., I was expecting some sort of masque or lotion for your body. Instead, they poured what looked like cucumber gazpacho all over, and then wrapped me in plastic.  Strange. I ended up smelling like salad.

At the moment, I'm lying in bed, staring out at the ocean.  Thinking of getting up for breakfast. Wondering what day it is.

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