Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Last Dance

My last full day in Bali. It was more of the usual lounging, reading napping.

I did venture out for what the hotel billed as a Sunset Bike Ride. There was indeed a pretty sunset. But, they neglected to mention that first there would be a 5k bike ride of death on a super crazy busy road. Most afraid I've been the entire trip, as full-size buses were passing within feet of me.

We ended up at the local fish market. At the end of the day. A very hot day. So, ridiculously smelly. I nearly Bob Eucker-ed all over the nice - if not misguided - hotel guy on the bike. After we went into the market, he kept encouraging me to take pictures. Truly, these were some big fish. But, too smelly. (If anyone ever offers to take you to a fish market at the end of the day, I recommend you decline, and call me for more details of the smells, if you have any doubts.)

We walked outside, and the locals were giving me the stinkeye.  I thought we were going to get jumped.  Then, we gave a guy a bottle of water and he let us pass.  We watched the sunset, and then biked home on death road . . . In the dark . . . With no lights or reflective gear or whatever.

I survived, and tomorrow I'm going to see one last temple, on a cliff. The hotel guy warned me not to wear a hat or sunglasses because the monkeys are "aggressive."  Heh. Monkey fight!

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