Monday, July 16, 2007

Shut Up and Dance

So, now that I'm home from Asia and other foreign and exotic lands, I'm a little bit at a loss about what to write. I'm in the midst of planning the next leg of my trip (to Africa), but it looks like I won't be heading out until at least mid-August.

I spent the past few days enjoying various festivities at my friend Megan's wedding. I have known Megan since about two hours after I arrived at college. Megan had the room right next door to me in my freshman dorm, and walked over that first afternoon to introduce herself and check out my room. We became fast friends, and then were roommates for the next three years in college. After college, we lived in different places -- and for a while on different continents -- and then we both ended up moving to New York in the fall of 2001. So, after many years of being separated, it was nice to be living in the same city again.

Coincidentally, Megan also happened to grow up in Baltimore, about 15 minutes from where I grew up. So, this weekend I was right here in Maryland at her wedding, playing the role of bridesmaid. After some 15 years of friendship, it was an honor to be in Megan's wedding. (And, it was the least I could do, considering it was Megan's idea about the elephant riding in Thailand.)

It was a beautiful wedding with good food, great friends, and is turns out, probably too much dancing. I woke up Sunday morning with multiple dancing injuries. My knee was scraped and bloody from the patented super-spin move my friend Chris and I created -- and then flubbed during the last dance of the evening to the theme from Dirty Dancing. (We got too greedy, and should have stopped after our fourth perfect execution of the move.) Also, I somehow threw out my hip while twisting to the oldies, and it still hurts when I walk up stairs. And, my toes had kind of lost all sensation from wearing strappy sandals all night long. But, it was worth it. I had a great time.

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