Thursday, July 26, 2007

I Dreamed of Africa

It's painfully quiet here in Maryland this week. I've been working with travel agents to plan my next trip -- Africa -- and the planning is moving at a snail's pace. At this rate, I'll be visiting Africa in 2009, and none of the countries will have the same names anymore.

Last week, I took a quick trip up to NYC to see some friends, which was weird. Not the friends, but being back in NYC. Within hours of arriving, I felt my blood pressure jump sky-high. There's something about being back that makes all my anxieties and neuroses boilover. So, for that reason I'm glad I've moved. But, I do miss my friends. And, all that hustle and bustle of the city reminded me that I'm not doing anything right now.

After years of a stressful job and the otherwise hectic pace of NYC, I had thought that doing nothing would be delicious. And it was, for a few days. But, now I'm anxious to start traveling again.

I had made myself a list of everything I planned to do in my down time, which included, among other things: watch the first two seasons of Lost; take up yoga; learn to cook impressive gourmet meals; have a torrid affair, preferably with someone foreign; learn Spanish (possibly in furtherance of the aforementioned affair); read Walt Whitman; organize all the stuff in piles spread throughout my parents' house; knit a scarf; shower daily; build houses for Habitat for Humanity; buy a bike; go hiking; oil paint; read all seven of the Harry Potter books; go running; play tennis; see Canada; moisturize more; write a book; etc.

So far, I've learned to make garlic bread, watched four episodes of Lost, read a few chapters of the new Princess Di biography, and launched a vigilant campaign to rid my parents' house of the pests and pestilence that have recently descended upon it (strangely coinciding with my return). Oh, and I secured my sure damnation with an insincere promise to accept Jesus Christ as My Lord and Saviour while serving as my nephew's godparent at his christening last weekend.

Somehow I feel like I could be doing something more. I'm entertaining suggestions...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

c'mon - sounds busy enough given your travels. you may still have NY-associateitis, whcih is the difficulty to remain without a project.
