Friday, October 3, 2008

The Bitch is Back

I pulled out my passport again. It's been so long since I've traveled out of the country, I almost forgot to pack my passport for this trip. Of course, it's just Mexico, which is connected, so perhaps I'm forgiven if it seems like I'm traveling within the country.

So I'm off for a few days of R&R on the beach in lovely and beautiful, Cabo San Lucas. (Please pronounce that part like you are announcing the trip on the Showcase Showdown on The Price is Right. Of course, that prompts me to tell the story of when I went to LA to try to get on The Price is Right, some 13 years ago...but perhaps that's a different blog post.)

So, as I was saying, I'm off to Mexico. After my travels last year, this is pretty easy. No shots, no malaria pills, no Cipro prescriptions. Of course, no elephants, no dinners of impala schnitzel, no huge glaciers. Just easy, breezy traveling.

Which is good, since I spent all night hanging on to every word of the VP debate. I've got election fever, coupled with financial crisis OCD. Needless to say, between those two things, and my love of all things frivolous, I'm getting very little done, what with all the good stuff to read on the internet. And that's not even counting all the house buying minutia that occupied the majority of my September.

It's hard to believe that with all these great things to talk about that I've neglected writing on the blog for so long. So I'm back. Prepare for excruciatingly boring details about paint chips and hot water heaters, coupled with the occasional rant about political b.s. Prepare for details about my trip to Mexico and my upcoming trip to San Fran. And prepare for diatribes about how difficult it is for me to dress fashionably in the shoulder season, and how much I hate giving up flip flops. In short, if I may paraphrase (Sir) Elton John, the bitch is back.

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