Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Real World -- Namibia

I'm still in Swakopmund, wasting some time at an internet joint before we drive back to Windhoek this afternoon.

So, I was sitting here quietly perusing The New York Times website, and this thin, blonde South African bloke started yelling loudly through the gated door. He was yelling at a woman sitting near me who was checking her email. Finally, he stopped yelling and marched into the place -- with a cameraman following him and filming his every move.

Apparently they are some sort of reality television people. So, the cameraman taped them having a short argument in Afrikaans. I did not understand a single word, but I can only assume it went something like:

Man: Why are you taking so long to check your email? I would like to go get some delicious Namibian pancakes.
Woman: Go get your bloody pancakes and leave me alone. I'm checking my email. Also, why do the back of your pants look like a thousand years of sand and dirt have accumulated since the last launder? Don't you remember you are on television?
Man: Quit your nagging, woman. I'm going to get me some pancakes.

Then, the guy stormed off in his dirty-arse pants, and the cameraman stuck around for an unnaturally long time filming the woman checking her email. Major yawn. But, I'm in the background while all this goes on, so it's only a matter of time before I'm on South African tv.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well now I'm torn, Stace. Do I come to Africa to go on a safari, or do I come to hang out and wait for your TV debut? I'm working 7 days a week prepping for trial. I know you wish you were here. -- Jill