After three days of so much me-time, I'm bored, kind of lonely, and a little tired of Law & Order.
Which is when I remembered the fun that the internet can bring. No more boredom or loneliness. I've been reading various news websites, im-ing with a friend, contemplating how far Sexiest Man Alive Matt Damon has fallen as of late, and checking out the old You Tube in the hope that there would be new sketches with Micheal Cera reenacting important moments in history.
And then I stumbled upon one of my favorite songs from when I was growing up -- you just can't help but smile and sing along. Okay, maybe I just can't help but sing along and smile. Before the internet and itunes and ipods, I went maybe twenty years without hearing this. Now I could listen every day if I chose. (I don't though, because I don't want to get tired of it.)